Sunday, April 19, 2009

picK youR favourite oNe:)

aku suka benda comel2 macam nie.macam budak kecik kanak2 ribena pulak kan.haha.

apa2 je laa.aku nak tau mana satu yang korang suka dalam banyak nie..

1-bLushy oNe:)

2-haRdwOrkiNg oNe:)

3-gORgeOus oNe:)

4-siMpLe oNe:)

5-oUtstaNding oNe:)

6-cUtey oNe:)

7-fRieNdLy oNe:)

8-trUstwOrthy oNe:)

9-LovELy oNe:)

10-haPPy oNe:)

11-cReativE oNe:)

12-coLd oNe:)

nie aku yg piki maybe personaliti aku lebey kepada "OUTSTANDING" kowt.

pilih piki la sendiri:)

this one i chOOOooOoOooOse..."THE ONE YOU CAN DEPEND ON"

i know= im with the "ANGEL FACE " hehe..


click it if you're a true blogger